We design Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement
Tinkety tonk old fruit victoria sponge squiffy bleeder twit the bee's knees loo David, buggered haggle pear shaped bubble and squeak.”
Curabitur vitae dignissimos pulvinar eligendi ullamcorper, laoreet, accusantium numquam habitant quaerat minim consequatur”
Hendrerit laoreet incidunt molestie eum placeat, neque ridiculus? Maecenas incididunt aperiam tempora cumque quos?”
I have been looking for a documentation theme for a long time. In this area, I find Docly the best I have found so far. It has a great range of functions and an attractive design.
Docly is a unique Theme with lots of very useful features. We've been looking for a solution to put our product documentation for so long and finally found Docly. Love the design as well as the functionality. I can say it's a must-have for most Envato authors.
Regarding the documentation of the theme, however, I am also of the opinion that there is still some potential for improvement. The installation was easy, with the customization.
Click here to see what some of our customers created with Docy!